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Year 3 medical students King Fahad Medical City on December 25, 2014 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr.

·         Names of child and parent(s)
·         Age and date of birth
·         Residential address
·         Parental occupation
·         Child’s school etc

·         Onset, course, location, severity, time of day, duration, diurnal variation, character, aggravating factors (food, cough etc ), relieving factors
·         Associated symptoms,
·         What does the parent think is going on?
·         Treatments already given
·         How the family is affected
·         Missing school
·         Associated behavioral problems

·         Prenatal period: prenatal care for the mother (where and how much); alcohol, drugs,  and cigarettes by the mother;
·         Birth: mode of delivery (Cesarean or vaginal), delivery complications, APGAR score
·         Neonatal period: respiratory problems, feeding problems, jaundice
·         Chronic illnesses: asthma, respiratory infections
·         Childhood infections; eg measles varicella
·         Hospitalizations
·         Surgeries

·         Breast feeding (how often, baby satisfied?, crying, urine output), time of weaning
·         Formula: brand name, how prepared, how stored,
·         Solid food: types and amounts, ?junk food
·         Milk and juices

·         Gross motor & Fine motor
·         Vision
·         Social and play
·         Speech and hearing

·         Reactions to medications: type and drug
·         Distinguish true allergy vs medication effects (eg vomiting)
·         Food allergies
·         Environmental allergies

·         List of current medications doses and why
·         List of chronic medications

·         Record of the whole immunization schedule
·         Reactions to immunization: swelling, tenderness, fever
·         Treatment of reaction

·         Parents: age, height, weight, health status, consanguinity, region of origin
·         Siblings: names, nicknames, age, height, weight, health status
·         Significant problems  maternal & paternal sides: arthritis, DM, HT, renal disease, anemia, headache, TB

·         Type of housing, location (city vs rural), how many people in house
·         Parents: education, occupation, income, religion and culture, smoking
·         Care for children: baby sitter, grandparents, other relatives,
·         Discipline (may relate to child abuse)
·         Health insurance
·         Contact with animals

11.0    REVIEW OF SYSTEMS (If not covered in presenting complaints and PMH)
·         Skin: skin rash,
·         CVS: dypnea, cyanosis, sweating on feeding
·         Hematological: pallor, jaundice, bone pain, bruises, epistaxis
·         RES: dypnea, runny nose, cough, hemoptysis, wheeze/stridor, sore throat, ear ache,
·         GIT: Vomiting, abd pain, diarhoea / constipation, Bowel habits, feeding, weight loss
·         Urinary tract: dysuria, enuresis, frequency. Nocturia, hematuria, incontinence
·         CNS: irritability, drowsiness, abnormal movements, headache, numbness,
·         Sleeping: night walking, crying, sleep walking, sleep talking, nightmares,
·         Musculoskeletal: joint swelling, joint pain, skin rash
·         Behavior: temper tantrums, sibling rivalry, mealtime behavior, bedtime behavior,

12.0    Risk factors - Pyrexia of undetermined origin (PUO)
·         Infections (bacterial, viral, parasitic)
·         Drug reactions
·         Allergy
·         Dehydration
·         Neoplasms
·         Factitious

13.0    Risk factors - Failure to thrive (height for age. Weight for age, weight for height, birth weight, milestones)
·         Familial
·         Delayed but normal growth
·         Inadequate caloric intake (no food, poor appetite, wrong food, psychosocial eg maternal depression, family disruption)
·         Renal disease (infection, renal failure)
·         Cardiovascular:  congenital heart disease, endocarditis, myocarditis
·         GIT: cleft lip / palate. Esophageal compression, gastro-intestinal reflux, hernia, pyloric stenosis, celiac disease, hepato-pancreatic disorders, endocrine disorders (thyroid, GH deficiency, adrenal insufficiency, diabetes)
·         Musculoskeletal: rickets due to Vit D deficiency,
·         Chronic infections: TB,
·         Metabolic disorders (
·         Chronic anemia:  thalassemia, sickle cell disease, 
·         Respiratory: Chronic lung disease: asthma, infections, airway obstruction

14.0    Risk factors - Weight loss
·         Infections
·         Eating disorders
·         Depression
·         Thyrotoxicosis
·         Renal failure
·         Malignancy
·         Inflammatory bowel disease
·         Celiac disease

15.0    Risk factors - Pallor
·         Anemia
·         Infection
·         Allergic reaction
·         Hereditary
·         Lack of sun exposure
·         Atopy

16.0    Risk factors - Jaundice
·         Hemolytic disorders
·         Physiological jaundice of the new born
·         Infection: sepsis, hepatitis
·         Biliary tract disorders

17.0    Risk factors - Earache
·         Acute otitis media
·         Otitis externa
·         TMJ dysfunction
·         Acute pharyngitis
·         Ear trauma

18.0    Risk factors - Nasal obstruction
·         Recurrent URTI
·         Adenoid hypertrophy
·         Foreign body
·         Allergic rhinitis
·         Sinusitis
·         Nasal septal deviation

19.0    Risk factors - Epistaxis
·         Trauma: digital or external
·         Allergic rhinitis
·         Exercise
·         Low humidity /dry air
·         URTI
·         Bleeding disorders

20.0    Risk factors - Chest pain
·         Trauma
·         Psychogenic
·         Costochondritis
·         Esophagitis
·         Asthma
·         Cough
·         Pneumonia
·         Sickle cell disease

21.0    Risk factors -  Cough
·         Infections
·         Asthma
·         Gastroesophageal reflux
·         Allergies from the environment
·         Allergic rhinitis / post nasal drip
·         Sinusitis
·         Foreign body

22.0    Risk factors - Abdominal pain
·         Constipation
·         Malabsorption
·         Gastoenteritis / enterocolitis
·         Appemdicitis
·         Too much dietary intake
·         Trauma

23.0 Risk factors - Diarrhea
·         Infections: viral, bacterial, parasitic
·         Overfeeding
·         Malabsorption
·         Food allergies
·         Inflammatory bowel disease

24.0  Risk factors - Vomiting
·         Projectile vomiting: pyloric stenosis, hiatal hernia, peptic ulcer, duodenal obstruction
·         Infection
·         CNS (pressure): intracranial hemorrhage, brain tumors, hydrocephalus
·         Metabolic disorders

25.0  Risk factors - Hematuria
·         Cystitis
·         Urethritis
·         Meatal ulceration
·         Urolithiasis
·         Trauma
·         Drugs
·         Coagulopathy
·         Exercise
·         Sickle cell disease
·         Nephropathy

26.0  Risk factors - Seizures
·         Febrile
·         Idiopathic epilepsy
·         Head trauma
·         Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
·         Intracranial hemorrhage
·         CNS infection
·         Drug / toxins


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