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Paper presented at Musolla Al Zahrawi Universiti Antarabangsa Kuantan Malaysia on 2nd November 2007 by Professor Omar Hasan Kasule Sr.

This paper suggests what should be taught under the theme of prophetic medicine, tibb nabawi, in the medical curriculum. Hadiths of the prophetic medicine has been understood at various periods of history according to the level of medical knowledge existing at that time. The recent expansion of medical knowledge has necessitated a deeper and wider understanding of these hadiths as well as identification of more hadiths of medical importance. This paper shows that there are many hadiths that relate to medicine than were not acknowledged before for 2 reasons. The first reason was that new knowledge that enables us to understand medical implications of many hadiths today was not available to our ancestors. The second reason is that our ancestors’ concept of tibb nabawi was related to specific therapy of specific conditions. We know today that medicine is wider covering manifestations of disease (physical, social, and psychological), disease risk factors, disease prevention, and impact of disease on physical, social, and psychological functions. This expanded definition also includes the impact of disease on ‘ibadat obligations as well as basic medical sciences. Inn summary the new and expanded understanding of tibb nabawi covers all what a medical professional needs to know from hadith literature to help his professional activities as well as reading the hadith from the context of medical science.

1.1 Definition
Tibb Nabawi refers to words and actions of the Prophet with a bearing on disease, treatment of disease, and care of patients. Thus also included are words of the prophet on medical matters, medical treatment practiced by others on the prophet, medical treatments practiced by the prophet on himself and others, medical treatments observed by the prophet with no objections, medical procedures that the prophet heard or knew about and did not prohibit, or medical practices that were so common that the prophet could not have failed to know about them.  The prophet's medical teachings were specific for place, population, and time. They however also included general guidance on physical and mental health that are applicable to all places, all times, and all circumstances. Tibb nabawi is not one monolithic or systematic medical system as some people would want us to believe. It is varied and circumstantial. It covers preventive medicine, curative medicine, mental well-being, spiritual cures or ruqyah, medical and surgical treatments. It integrates mind and body, matter and spirit.

1.2 Search for Cures
The Prophet enunciated a basic principle in medicine that for every disease there is cure (ma anzala allahu daa; illa anzala lahu shifa'a- Kitaab al Tibb, al Bukhari).  This is an impetus for us to look for remedies. Thus the prophetic medical tradition does not stop at only the medical teachings of the prophet but goes beyond to encourage humans to search and experiment with new treatment modalities. This implies among other things that prophetic medicine is not static. There is room for growth and even breaking new ground. Al Habba al Saudaa was recommended by the Prophet as a general treatment and has been studied extensively. Other implications of this hadith are that seeking treatment does not contradict qadar (pre-determination). Thus both the disease and its treatment are part of qadar.

2.1 Listing of books
Many books have been written on tibb nabawi each one reflecting the medical knowledge of the era in which it was written. The following is a listing of all such books. Books with the title al Tibb al Nabawi were written by Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyyat (d. 751H / 1350 M), al Hafidh Abu Abd al llaah Shams al Ddiin Muhammad bin Ahmad al Dhahabi (d. 748H), Abu al Qasim al Husain bin Muhammad bin Habiib al Naisapuuri (d. 206H), Abu al Sunni Abu Bakar Ahmad bin Muhammad al Dainawiri (d. 364H), Abu Nu’aim Ahmad bin Abd al llaah al Asfahani (d. 430H), Abu al ‘Abbaas Ja’afar bin al Mu’utazz al Mustansiri (d. 433H), Dhia al Ddiin Muhammad bin ‘Abd al Waahid al Maqdasi (d. 643H), Shams al Ddiin Abu Abd al llaah Muhammad bin Abi al Fath al Ba’ali (d. 709H), Abu Abd al llaah Muhammad bin Yusuf al Sanuusi (d. 895H), Abu al Hasan Nur al ddiin Ali Bin Muhammad al Jazaar al Masri (d. 914H), Qaysuufi Zaadet Muhammad Badr al Ddiin (d. 1020H), Abd al Waziir al Abhari, and Jamaal al Ddiin Daud,

Mukhtasar al tibb al nabawi was written by Jalaluddin al Suyuti. Al Ahkaam al Nabawiyyat fi al sina’at an tibiyyat was written by the physician ‘Ali bin Tarkhaan. Kitaab al tibb fi al hadiith by Abu ‘Ubaid bin al Hasan al Harraani (d. 369H). Al Ahkaam al Nabawiyyah fi al sina’at al tibiyyat by Ali bin Abd al Karim al Hamawi (d. 720H). Al Rahmat fi al Tibb wa al Hikmat by Mahdi bin Ali al Sabiiri (d. 815H), al Sayr al Qawi fi al Tibb al Nabawi by Muhammad bin And al Rahman al Sakhaawi (d. 902H), Al Manhaj al Sawi a al Manhal al rawi fi al Tibb al Nabawi by Jalal al Ddiin Abd al Rahman bin Abu Bakar al Suyuti (d.911H). Al Rahmat fi al Tibb wa al Hikmat by Jalal al Ddiin Abd al Rahman bin Abu Bakar al Suyuti (d.911H). Rawdh al Insan fi Tadaabiir Sihhat al Abdaan by Khair al Ddiin Khidhr bin Mahmud al ‘Atuufi al Murzaifuuni (d. 948H). Al Masaabih al Sunniyyat fi Tibb Khair al Bariyyat by Shihaab al Ddiin Abu al ‘Abbaas Ahmad bin Ahmad bin Salamah al Qalyuubi (d. 1069H). Sihhat Aabaad by Othman Zadeh Taa ib Ahmad (d. 839H). Mukhtasar al Tibb al Nabawi by Mur’ish ZadehQudduus Ahmad Affendi (d. 1265H).

In general the understanding of tibb nabawi was related to therapeutics i.e. medical and surgical treatment of diseases. In a modern context medical knowledge has enabled us to understand risk factors of diseases as well as more extensive disease manifestations. We therefore need a wider meaning of tibb nabawi.

We can discuss the 2 books by Ibn al Qayyim and al Suyuuti to illustrate the point that their interpretation of prophetic hadiths relating to medicine reflected contemporary medical knowledge.

3.1 Wudhu
1.      Istinthaar in wudhu Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B25 H161
2.      Rinsing the mouth in wudhu Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B28 H164
3.      Rinsing the mouth after suwaik Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B53
4.      Rinsing the mouth after milk especially if it has fat Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B54
5.      Wiping the head Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B39 H185
6.      Washing the two legs until the ankles Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B40 H186
7.      Wiping on the khuff Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B50 H202
8.      Prohibition of wudhu with nabiidh, milk, and intoxicants Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4)
9.      Excellence of sleeping with wudhu Bukhari Kitab Al Wudhu (K4) B79

3.2 Tayammum
1.      Verses ordaining tayammum Kitab Al Tayammum (K7)   B1 H334
2.      Tayammum is for face and the 2 hands Kitab Al Tayammum (K7)   B5 H343
3.      Tayammum for cold or disease Kitab Al Tayammum (K7)   B7 H345
4.      Tayammum is one touch Kitab Al Tayammum (K7)  B8 H347

3.3 Salat
1.      Salat on the bed Kitab Al Salat (K8)    B22 H382
2.      Sujuud on a cloth Kitab Al Salat (K8)    B23 H385
3.      Salat in sandals Kitab Al Salat (K8)    B24 H386
4.      Salat in khuff Kitab Al Salat (K8)    B25 H388
5.      Facing qiblat in faridhat and any direction in nafilat Kitab Al Salat (K8)    B31 H400
6.      All earth is masjid and tahuur Kitab Al Salat (K8)  B56 H438
7.      A hospital in the masjid for the sick Kitab Al Salat (K8)    B99 H508

3.4 Times of salat
1.      Waiting for cooling before praying dhuhr in extreme heat Bukhari Kitab Mawaqit al Salat (K9)    B9 H533
2.      Delaying dhuhr until asr Bukhari Kitab Mawaqit al Salat (K9)    B12 H534
3.      Qadha of salat one by one in order they were missed Bukhari Kitab Mawaqit al Salat (K9)  B39 H598
4.      Remembering a forgotten salat Bukhari Kitab Mawaqit al Salat (K9)    B38 H597

3.5 Adhan
1.      The hadd of the patient is to attend the jamaat Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B39 H664
2.      The patient prays in the house and not the masjid Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B39 H667
3.      If food is presented and salat is called Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B42 H671
4.      Standing beside the imam for a reason (‘illat) Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B47 H683
5.      A semi-conscious person who attempts to offer salat Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B687 H687?
6.      Imam takes too long and a person with a problem leaves salat Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B60 H700
7.      Imaam to shorten the standing Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10)B61 H702
8.      Shortening salat for crying of a baby Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B65 H707
9.      Sujuud is on 7 bones Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B133 H809
10. Sujuud on the nose Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B134 H812
11.  Completing the rukuu Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B119 H791
12.  Straightening the back after rukuu Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B120
13.  Completing sujuud Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B132 H818
14.  Sitting for a while between 2 sujuuds Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B140 H818
15.  Supporting oneself on the ground on rising from sujuud Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B144 H825
16.  Onions in the mosque Bukhari Kitaab Al Adhan (K10) B160 H853

3.6 Jumu’at
1.      Washing on Friday Bukhari  Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B2 H877
2.      Siwaak at time of salat Bukhari  Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B8 H887
3.      Siwaak on rising from sleep Bukhari  Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B8 H889
4.      Repeating siwaak Bukhari Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B8 H888
5.      Cleaning away dust on Friday Bukhari  Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B15 H902
6.      Salat early on cold days and late on hot days Bukhari Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B17 H906
7.      Walking to jumaat Bukhari Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B18 H907
8.      Qailula after jumaat Bukhari Kitaab al Jumaat (K11) B41 H941

3.7 Eidain
1.      Entertainment Bukhari K13 B1 H948

3.8 Istisqau
1.      Famine:Istisqau in the masjid jamei Bukhari K15 B5 H1013
2.      Floods: dua if rain too much Bukhari K15 B9 H1017

3.9 Salat in difficult conditions
1.      Shortening salat for a journey Bukhari K15 B5 H1013
2.      Combining salat while on a journey Bukhari K18 B13 H1107
3.      Salat lying on the side Bukhari K18 B19 H1117
4.      If salat starts lying down and the condition improves he stands up Bukhari K18 B20 H1118
5.      Leaving qiyam al layl by the patient Bukhari K19 B4 H1124
6.      Salat sitting down for the patient Bukhari K18 B13 H1107
7.      Salat by gestures for the sick Bukhari K18 B18 H1116
8.      Offensiveness of extremes in ‘ibadat Bukhari K19 B18 H1150
9.      Forgetting how much he has prayed Bukhari K22

3.10 Janazah
1.      Excellence of ihtisaab on death of a child Bukhari K23 B6 H1248
2.      Patience at the qabr Bukhari K23 B7 H1252
3.      Patience is at the first strike Bukhari K23 B42 H1302

3.11 Zakat
1.      Sadaqat for close relatives Bukhari K23 B46 H1461
2.      Sadaqat for the orphans Bukhari K23 B49 H1465
3.      Taking sadaqat from the rich and giving it to the poor Bukhari K23 B65 H1496

3.12 Hajj
1.      The menstruating woman can make up every rite except tawaaf Bukhari K25 B81 H1650
2.      Hijamah for the muhrim Bukhari K28 B11 H1836

3.13 Saum
1.      Saum for the bachelor afraid of mischief Bukhari K30 B10 H1905
2.      Delay of suhuur Bukhari K30 B18 H1920
3.      Hijanah and vomiting in Ramadan Bukhari K30 B32 H1938
4.      The menstruating woman does not fast or offer salat Bukhari K30 B41 H1951
5.      Hastening iftaar Bukhari K30 B45 H1957
6.      Saum for children Bukhari K30 B47 H1960
7.      Wisaal Bukhari K30 B48 H1975
8.      Feeding the poor on behalf of an elderly who cannot fast Bukhari K65 B25 H4505

3.14 Jihad
1.      7 types of martyrs Bukhari K56 B30 H2829, H2830
2.      Women treating the injured Bukhari K56 B67 H2882
3.      Women evacuating the injured and the dead Bukhari K56 B68 H2883
4.      Forbidding killing women and children Bukhari K56 B14 H3015
5.      Wound cauterization Bukhari K56 B163 H3037

3.15 Toilet hygiene
1.      Washing the 2 hands on waking up from sleep and before immersing them in a water vessel Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B26 H162
2.      Istinja with water Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B15 H150
3.      Prohibition of istinja with the left Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B18 H153
4.      Prohibition of touching the penis with the right hand when urinating Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B19 H154
5.      Prohibition of istinja with rawth Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B21 H156
6.      Washing urine with water Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B58
7.      Pouring water over urine Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B220
8.      Urine of infants Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B63

3.17 Washing (ghusl)
1.      Washing madhi Bukhari KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B13
2.      Drying hands after washing Bukhari KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B18
3.      Tasattur during ghusl Bukhari KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B21
4.      Washing if a woman has a wet dream Bukhari KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B22
5.      Washing after sexual intercourse Bukharu KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B28
6.      Wiping the hand after washing the farj in ghusl al janabat Bukhari KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B8
7.      Washing the hand in ghusl al janabat Bukhari KITAAB AL GHUSL (5) B9

3.18 Body hygiene
1.      Washing menstrual blood from a cloth Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B67
2.      Washing semen (mani) from a cloth Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B68
3.      Siwaak at time of sleep Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B77

3.19 Foods
1.      Eating with the right hand Bukhari K70 B2 H5376
2.      Eating what is next to you Bukhari K70 B3 H5377
3.      Prophet did not eat until he was told what the food was Bukhari K70 B10 H5391
4.      Believer eats from one stomach Bukhari K70 B12 H5393
5.      Do not eat muttaki Bukhari K70 B14 H5398
6.      If you eat thawm stay away from people Bukhari K70 B50 H5452
7.      Rinsing the mouth after eating Bukhari K70 B52 H5454
8.      If supper is presented Bukhari K70 B59 H5462

3.20 Drinks
1.      Khamr is rijs of shaitan Bukhari K65 B10 H4616
2.      Khamr is what clouds the mind Bukhari K74 B5 H5588
3.      Rinsing the mouth after drinking fatty milk Bukhari K74 B12 H5609
4.      Covering vessels Bukhari K74 B22 H5623
5.      Do not drink from the mouth of the vessel Bukhari K74 B23 H5625,  Bukhari K74 B24 H5627
6.      Do not breathe into the vessel Bukhari K74 B25 H5630
7.      Two or three breaths for each drink Bukhari K74 B26 H5631

3.21 Slaughter
1.      113. Eating animals with nails Bukhari K72 B29 H5530
2.       Eating in dharurat Bukhari K72 B38, Qur’an 2:172-173, Maida:3, an’am:118-119 & 145, nahal:114-115

3.22 Sleep
1.      Hibernation of the people of the cave Bukhari K60 B54 H3465

3.23 Menstruation
1.        Menstruating woman does not perform saum Bukhari Kitab al Haidh (K6) B7   H304
2.        Menstruating woman does not repay (qadha) salat Bukhari Kitab al Haidh (K6) B21 H321
3.        Woman with DUB does not leave salat Bukhari Kitab al Haidh (K6) B9 H306
4.        Washing a cloth affected by menstrual blood Bukhari Kitab al Haidh (K6) B10 H308
5.        Yellow discharge in non-menstrual days are not a problem Bukhari Kitab al Haidh (K6) B26 H326

3.24                   nvironment
1.        Washing a vessel 7 times if a dog drinks from it Bukhari KITAB AL WUDHU (4)B? H172
2.        Removing a mouse from ghee Bukhaari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B71
3.        Prohibition of urination in stagnant water Bukhaari KITAB AL WUDHU(4)B72
4.        Killing dangerous animals Bukhari K59 B16 H3314
5.        Home safety measures at night Bukhari K59 B16 H3316
6.        Extinguishing lights at night Bukhari K74 B22 H5623

4.1 Sick persons
1.      Kafarat al mariidh Bukhari K75 B1 H5640
2.      Reward for severity of illness Bukhari K75 B2 H5647
3.      Kaffarat of sins from severity of illness Bukhari K75 B3 H5648
4.      Obligation to visit the sick Bukhari K75 B4 H5649
5.      Visiting the unconscious patient Bukhari K75 B5 H5651
6.      Jannat due to patience in sickness Bukhari K75 B6 H5652
7.      Women visiting sick men Bukhari K75 B8 H5654
8.      Visiting sick children Bukhari K75 B9 H5655
9.      Visiting sick Bedouins Bukhari K75 B10 H5656
10. Visiting a sick polytheist Bukhari K75 B11 H5657
11.  Putting the hand on the sick person Bukhari K75 B13 H5659
12.  What is said when visiting the sick Bukhari K75 B14 H5662
13.  Refusing the patient’s request for a reason Bukhari K75 B17 H5669
14.  Dua for a sick child Bukhari K75 B18 H5670
15.  Prohibition of wishing for death Bukhari K75 B19 H5671, 5673
16.  Prohibition of dua for death Bukhari K75 B19 H5672
17.  Dua of a visitor for the sick Bukhari K75 B20 H5675
18.  Wish for death Bukhari Kitab al Tamanni (K95) B6 H7233

4.2 Medicine
1.      Every disease has a medicine Bukhari K76 B1 H5678
2.      Woman can treat a man Bukhari K76 B2 H5679
3.      Cure is in three: honey, cupping, and cauterization Bukhari K76 B3 H5670, H5681
4.      Treating the stomach with honey Bukhari K76 B4 H5684
5.      Treatment with milk of camels Bukhari K76 B5 H5685
6.      Treatment with urine of camels Bukhari K76 B6 G5686
7.      Treatment with habbat al sawuda Bukhari K76 B7 H5687 & H5688
8.      Talbiyah for psychological disease (sadness) Bukhari K76 B8 H5689
9.      Sa’uut Bukhari K76 B9 H5691
10. Uud hindi Bukhari K76 B10 H5693
11.  Hijaam does not void saum Bukhari K76 B12 H5695
12.  Shaving hear because of annoyance Bukhari K76 B16 H5703
13.  Kohl for ramad Bukhari K76 B18 H5706
14.  Fleeing from leprosy Bukhari K76 B19 H5707
15.  … is cure for the eye Bukhari K76 B30 H5708
16.  Patient refusal of medicine Bukhari K76 B21 H5713
17.  Treating ‘udhrat using uud hindi Bukhari K76 B23 H5715
18.  Treatment of mabtuun with honey Bukhari K76 B24 H5716
19.  No ‘adwah Bukhari K76 B25 H5717
20. Uud hindi for dhaat al janb Bukhari K76 B26 H5718
21.  Cauterization for dhaat al junb Bukhari K76 B26 H5721
22. Kharq al hasiir to stop bleeding Bukhari K76 B27 H5722
23. Tepid sponging for fever Bukhari K76 B28 H5723, 5725, 5726
24. Do not leave or enter a country with plague Bukhari K76 B30 H5728
25. Omar and the plague epidemic Bukhari K76 B30 H5729
26. Plague is martyrdom Bukhari K76 B30 H5733
27.  Mabtuun is martyrdom Bukhari K76 B30 H5733
28. Ruqy is with Qur’an and the mu’awadhatain Bukhari K76 B32 H5735
29. Ruqy with fatihat Bukhari K76 B33 H5736
30. Ruqy for ‘ayn Bukhari K76 B35 H5738
31.  Ruqy for snake bite and ‘aqrab bite Bukhari K76 B37 H5741
32. Ruqy for? Bukhari K76 B38 H5742
33. Wiping the face during ruqy Bukhari K76 B40 H5750
34. Woman does ruqy for a man Bukhari K76 B41 H5751
35. Prohibition of tiirat Bukhari K76 B43 H5745
36. The good word (faal) Bukhari K76 B45 H5756
37.  Prohibition of haamat Bukhari K76 B45 H5757
38. Prohibition of kahanat Bukhari K76 B46 H5712
39. Prohibition of sihr Bukhari K76 B48 H5764
40. Sihr for rasul al lllah Bukhari K76 B49 H5765
41.  Bayaan can be suhr Bukhari K76 B51 H5767
42. Ajwah for sihr Bukhari K76 B52 H5768
43. Ajwah for poison Bukhari K76 B52 H5768
44. The sick does not visit the healthy Bukhari K76 B53 H5771
45. No adwah Bukhari K76 B53 H5772, 5774, 5775, 5776
46. Poisoning of the prophet in Khaybar Bukhari K76 B55 H5777
47.  Prohibition of suicide with poison, knife, or starvation Bukhari K76 B56 H5778
48. Hadith of the fly Bukhari K76 B58 H5782

5.1 Gender issues
1.      Deficient aql and diin of a woman Bukhari K6 B7
2.      Woman does not travel more than 3 days without a mahram Bukhari K18 B1 H1094

5.2 Clothes
1.      Allowing silk for body itch Bukhari K77 B29 H5839
2.      Expelling transsexuals (dress and appearance of the opposite gender) Bukhari K77 B62 H5886
3.      Cutting the moustache Bukhari K77 B63 H5889
4.      Cutting nails Bukhari K77 B64 H5890
5.      Circumcision and pulling axillary hair Bukhari K77 B63 H5889
6.      Leaving the beard alone Bukhari K77 B65 H5893
7.      Dyeing hair Bukhari K77 B67 H5899
8.      Perfume Bukhari K77 B74 H5923
9.      Combing hair Bukhari K77 B75 H5924
10. Mouth odor of fasting person (bacterial action) Bukhari K77 B78 H5927
11.  Forbidden cosmesis (mutafallijaat, washm, names) Bukhari K77 B72 H5931
12.  Attaching false hair Bukhari K77 B83 H5933
13.  Prohibition of washm Bukhari K77 B83 H5934
14.  Prohibition of mutanamisaat Bukhari K77 B84 H5939
15.  Prohibition of joining false hair Bukhari K77 B85 H5941
16.  Prohibition of washm Bukhari K77 B87 H5946

5.3 Entertainment
1.      Entertainment on eidain Bukhari K13 B1 H948

5.4 Etiquette (adab) for mental health
1.      Company of the 2 parents Bukhari K78 B1 H5971
2.      Abusing the parents Bukhari K78 B4 H5973
3.      Mistreating parents is one of the major sins Bukhari K78 B6 H5975
4.      Relations with a polytheist relative Bukhari K78 B7 H5978, Bukhari K78 B9 H5981
5.      Excellence of kindred relations Bukhari K78 B10 H5983
6.      Playing with children Bukhari K78 B17 H5993
7.      Kindness and kissing for a child Bukhari K78 B18 H5998
8.      Killing a child for fear of sharing meals with him Bukhari K78 B20 H6001
9.      Child in hijr Bukhari K78 B21 H6002
10. Child on the thigh Bukhari K78 B22 H6003
11.  Excellence of one who takes care of an orphan Bukhari K78 B24 H6005
12.  Working to help the widows Bukhari K78 B25 H6006
13.  Working to help a miskiin Bukhari K78 B26 H6007
14.  Wasiyat bi al jaar Bukhari K78 B28 H6014
15.  Nahyu idaau al jaar Bukhari K78 B31 H6018
16.  The good word Bukhari K78 B34 H6023
17.  Rifq Bukhari K78 B35 H6024
18.  Cooperation among believers Bukhari K78 B36 H6026
19.  Love for Allah Bukhari K78 B42 H6041
20. Prohibition of abusing Bukhari K78 B44 H6044
21.  Prohibition of backbiting Bukhari K78 B46 H6052
22. Prohibition of rumor mongering Bukhari K78 B49 H6055
23. Prohibition of jealousy and turning away Bukhari K78 B57 H6064, 6065
24. Prohibition of dhann Bukhari K78 B58 H6066
25. Covering up own sins Bukhari K78 B60 H6069
26. Kibr Bukhari K78 B61 H6071
27.  Forbidding hijra for more than 3 days Bukhari K78 B62 H6076, 6077
28. Smiling and laughing Bukhari K78 B68 H6089
29. Telling the truth in speaking Bukhari K78 B69 H6094
30. Patience at annotance Bukhari K78 B71 H6100
31.  Warning about anger Bukhari K78 B76 H6114, 6116
32. Hayaa Bukhari K78 B78 H6120
33. Make ease and nor difficulty Bukhari K78 B80 H6125
34. Inbisaat bi al naas Bukhari K78 B81 H6129
35. Care a believer is not bitten in a hole twice Bukhari K78 B83 H6133
36. Honoring the guest Bukhari K78 B85 H6135
37.  Honoring the elder Bukhari K78 B79 H6144
38. Poetry may have wisdom Bukhari K78 B90 H6145
39. Prohibition of too much poetry Bukhari K78 B91 H6154
40. A person is with those he loves Bukhari K78 B96 H6168
41.  Saying welcome marhabat Bukhari K78 B98 H6176
42. Changing a bad name to a good one Bukhari K78 B107 H6190
43. Tashmiit al aatis Bukhari K78 B124 H6222
44. Yawning Bukhari K78 B128 H6226

5.6 Seeking permission to enter (social etiquette for mental health)
1.      The right of the way Bukhari K79 B2 H6229
2.      Spreading salam Bukhari K79 B8 H6235
3.      Shaking hands Bukhari K79 B27 H6236
4.      Hugging Bukhari K79 B29 H6266
5.      Do not make someone stand up from his place Bukhari K79 B31 H6269
6.      Making way in a majlis Bukhari K79 B32 H6270
7.      Prohibition of secret talks Bukhari K79 B45 H6288
8.      Keeping secrets Bukhari K79 B46 H6289
9.      Prohibition of leaving fire lighted in the house at time of sleeping Bukhari K79 B49 H6293
10. Closing doors at night Bukhari K79 B50 H6296

6.1 Nikaah
1.      Encouraging marriage Bukhari K67 B1 H5063
2.      One capable should marry Bukhari K67 B2 H5065
3.      Saum for who cannot marry Bukhari K67 B3 H5066
4.      Offensiveness of tabattul and orchidectomy Bukhari K67 B8 H5073
5.      Compatibility in religion / 4 reasons for marrying a woman Bukhari K67 B16 H5090
6.      Looking before marriage Bukhari K67 B36 H5126
7.      Conditions in marriage Bukhari K67 B54 H5152
8.      Coitus interruptus Bukhari K67 B96 H5207, H5208, H5209
9.      Seeking a child Bukhari K67 B122 H5245

6.2 Divorce
1.      Counting the iddat Bukhari K68 B1 H5251
2.      No divorce for the menstruating woman Bukhari K68 B3 H5258
3.      Divorce by the intoxicated and the mad Bukhari K68 B11

6.3 Nafaqat
1.      Obligation to make nafaqat for the family Bukhari K69 B2 H5356
2.      Family food security for 1 year Bukhari K69 B3 H5357

6.4 Sales
1.      Prohibition of trade in intoxicants Bukhari K34 B105 H226
2.      Payment for hijaamat Bukhari K34 B39 H2103

6.5 Ijarah
1.      Hiring a righteous person Bukhari K37 B1 H2260
2.      Hiring a polytheist in dharurat Bukhari K37 B3 H2263
3.      Payment for ruqya Bukhari K37 B16 H2276
4.      Payment for hujamah Bukhari K37 B18 H2278-2280
5.      Prohibition of prostitution Bukhari K37 B20 H2283

6.6 Wikaala
1.      Agent & self interest? Bukhari K40 B4 H2304

6.7 Musaaqaat
1.      Othman gifted a well Bukhari K42 B2 H2351
2.      Sin of forbidding water Bukhari K42 B6 H2358
3.      No pasturage except pasturage of Alllah Bukhari K42 B12 H2370

6.8 Borrowing and paying debts
1.      Wasting wealth Bukhari K43 B19 H2409

6.9 Disputes
1.        Voiding manumission by the safiih (incompetent) Bukhari K44 B2 H2414-2415
2.        Paternity disputes Bukhari K44 B6 H2421

6.10 Madhaalim
1.      Removing an annoyance from the road Bukhari K46 B24
2.      Throwing …. And what annoys people on the road Bukhari K46 B28 H2472

6.11 Manumission
1.      Waswasat in work Bukhari K49 B6 H2528
2.      Work is according to niyyat Bukhari K49 B6 H2529

6.12 Evidence
1.      Evidence on lineage and foster breastfeeding Bukhari K52 B7 H2644-2647
2.      Evidence of the raa’I Bukhari K52 B11 H2655, H2657
3.      Maturity of children and their witness Bukhari K52 B18 H2664

6.13 Reconciliation
1.      A reconciliatory is not a liar/partial disclosure Bukhari K53 B2 H2692

6.14 Punishments
1.      Ghurrat for feticide Bukhari K88 B25 H6904

6.15 Conditions
1.      Conditions for akad nikaah Bukhari K54 B6 H2721
2.      Conditions in nikaah Bukhari K54 B6 H2723
3.      Conditions in loans Bukhari K54 B16 H2734
4.      Conditions against kitaab al llaah are not valid Bukhari K54 B17 H2735
5.      Conditions in waqaf Bukhari K54 B19 H2737

6.16 Wills
1.      Writing a will Bukhari K55 B1 H2738
2.      Leaving the inheritors rich Bukhari K55 B2 H2742
3.      Willing one third Bukhari K55 B3 H2743
4.      Will of the patient by gestures or by nodding Bukhari K55 B5 H2746
5.      No will for an inheritor Bukhari K55 B6 H2747
6.      Sadaqat at the time of death Bukhari K55 B7 H2748
7.      A patient admission of debt Bukhari K55 B8 Surat al nisa:11
8.      Waqf and will for relatives Bukhari K55 B10 H2752
9.      Sadaqat on behalf of one who dies suddenly Bukhari K55 B19 H2760
10. Fulfilling nadhar of those who die suddenly Bukhari K55 B19 H2761
11.  Having witnesses on waqf and sadaqat Bukhari K55 B20 H2762
12.  Embezzling the wealth of the orphan Bukhari K55 B24 H2766
13.  Writing the waqf Bukhari K55 B29 H2772

7.1 Dua
1.      A lot of istighfar Bukhari K80 B3 H6307
2.      Taubat Bukhari K80 B4 H6309
3.      Allah will answer if person is not in haste Bukhari K80 B22 H6340
4.      Dua when in karub Bukhari K80 B27 H6345
5.      Ta’awudh min jahd al bala Bukhari K80 B28 H6347
6.      Prohibition of dua for death Bukhari K80 B30 H6349
7.      Dua for children Bukhari K80 B31 H6355
8.      Ta’awudh from hamm and huzn Bukhari K80 B36 H6363
9.      Ta’wwudh from failure and laziness Bukhari K80 B39 H6367
10. Ta’awudh from haram Bukhari K80 B39 H6367
11.  Ta’awudh from ardhal al ‘umr Bukhari K80 B43 H6371

7.2 Riqaaq
1.      The ni’imat of health and faraagh Bukhari K81 B1 H6412
2.      Long hope and nearness of ajal Bukhari K81 B4 H6418
3.      Love of long life Bukhari K81 B5 H6421
4.      Increased obesity in later times Bukhari K81 B7 H6428
5.      Fitnat of wealth Bukhari K81 B10 H6438
6.      Wealth is wealth of the nafs Bukhari K81 B15 H6446
7.      Keeping the tongue and the faraj Bukhari K81 B23 H6474
8.      Decreasing talking Bukhari K81 B23 H6475
9.      People are safe from the toungue and hands of a Muslim Bukhari K81 B26 H6484
10. Shahwat and fire Bukhari K81 B28 H6487
11.  Look below and not above Bukhari K81 B30 H6490
12.  Loneliness is better that mixing with evil people Bukhari K81 B34 H6495
13.  Riyaa Bukhari K81 B36 H6499
14.  Love meeting Allah Bukhari K81 B41 H6508
15.  Sakaraat al mawt Bukhari K81 B42 H6510

8.1 Embryological development
1.      The hadith of 40 days Bukhari K60 B1 H3332
2.      Stages from nutfat onwards…sex determination Bukhari K60 B1 H3333
3.      Stages of embryological development and sex determination Bukhari K6 B18 H318
4.      Embryology Bukhari K82 B1 H6594, H6595
5.      Ajal is fixed intrauterine Bukhari K82 B1 H6595

© Professor Omar Hasan Kasule November 2007


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